Ozone Properties

Properties Ozone

Properties Ozone



Ozone (O₃) consists of three oxygen atoms. It is an unstable gas with a strong and irritating odor, which reflects its nature as a potent oxidizer and corrosive agent. Due to these properties, ozone is unsuitable for sustaining life. Ozone is generally produced through high-power electrical discharge in air or oxygen. Naturally, in the upper layers of the atmosphere, ozone forms through photochemical reactions and acts as a protective shield against the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Molecular Weight:

- Molecular Weight: 47.98 g/mol

Liquid Phase:

- Liquid Density (at 1.013 bar at boiling point): 1352 kg/m³
- Boiling Point (at 1.013 bar): -111.3 °C
- Latent Heat of Vaporization (at 1.013 bar at boiling point): 316.3 kJ/kg

Critical Point:

- Critical Temperature: -12.2 °C
- Critical Pressure: 55.73 bar
- Critical Density: 540 kg/m³

Triple Point:

- Triple Point Temperature: -192.5 °C
- Triple Point Pressure: 0.0000114 bar

Gas Phase:

- Gas Density (at 1.013 bar and 0 °C): 2.141 kg/m³
- Specific Weight (air = 1) (at 1.013 bar and 21 °C): 1.612
- Specific Volume (at 1.013 bar and 21 °C): 0.519 m³/kg
- Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure (Cp) (at 1 bar and 25 °C): 0.039 kJ/mol·K

Supply Form:

Ozone can be supplied by an ozone generator at the point of use.

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