Ozone for Pets

Ozone for Pets
Ozone for Pets

The best method for disinfecting and sanitizing pets, eliminating pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, unpleasant odors, and ensuring pet hygiene at home is by using an oz

Ozone for Pets

The best method for disinfecting and sanitizing pets, eliminating pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, unpleasant odors, and ensuring pet hygiene at home is by using an ozone machine. To completely remove parasite eggs, bacteria, fungi in pets, prevent the growth of animal ticks, and avoid infections in the wounds of animals and birds, as well as to maintain the vitality and liveliness of pets, you can use home ozone devices. Rash Kian Company, under the R.K.C brand, produces ozone generators and industrial and home water purification systems licensed by General New Partner.


  • Elimination of unpleasant pet odors
  • Quick treatment of skin diseases and wounds
  • Disinfecting pet boarding houses
  • Disinfecting rooms for exotic animals
  • Disinfecting rooms for ornamental animals and birds
  • Preventing the transmission of diseases between humans and animals
  • Preventing the spread of contagious diseases
  • Neutralizing ammonia gas from animal waste
  • Disinfecting vaccination rooms, boarding, and injection areas
  • Sterilizing and deodorizing pet storage areas
  • Eliminating pathogens without using chemicals
  • Increasing the lifespan, vitality, and reducing stress in pets
  • Increasing oxygen and negative ions in the air, creating freshness and liveliness in the environment


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