Application of Ozone Generators in Agriculture

Application of Ozone Generators in Agriculture
Application of Ozone Generators in Agriculture

The use of ozone in modern agriculture has become a crucial factor in crop growth and quality. Ozone is a natural gas that purifies the environment from both natural and unnatural pollutants.

Application of Ozone Generators in Agriculture

The use of ozone in modern agriculture has become a crucial factor in crop growth and quality. Ozone is a natural gas that purifies the environment from both natural and unnatural pollutants. Ozone can replace pesticides, leaving no negative residues on crops. Water containing ozone provides the necessary oxygen for roots and eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, and other microorganisms. Ozone can also remove viruses, fungi, mold, and bacteria that leave residues on waste products.

In many countries, due to water scarcity, one of the fundamental ways to increase irrigation efficiency is to treat used agricultural water with ozone or UV rays. This is also done in many greenhouses around the world. Rashkian, under the brand name R.K.C, produces environmental equipment, including ozone generators and industrial and household water purification systems, under license from General New Partner.


  • Controls water pH
  • Reduces fertilizer usage
  • Controls weeds
  • Suitable for hydroponic methods
  • Increases production and growth rate
  • Effectively removes microbial contamination
  • Completely removes hydrogen sulfide
  • Enhances greenhouse product quality
  • A suitable replacement for methyl bromide and improves soil
  • Increases the shelf life of ornamental flowers
  • Uses ozone instead of chemical fungicides
  • Significantly increases ORP levels
  • Suitable for eliminating soil parasites
  • Treats drainage water for reuse in agriculture
  • Improves the quality of agricultural products, including strawberries, wheat, vegetables, etc.

Advantages of Using Ozone in Agriculture:

  • Oxidizes soil humic acid.
  • Destroys microorganisms.
  • The strongest oxidizer available.
  • Passes easily through soil layers.
  • Ozone is twelve times more soluble in water than oxygen.
  • Oxidizes the necessary fertilizers for plants to become readily available.
  • Always available and does not require storing hazardous chemicals.
  • After ozonation, ozone converts to oxygen, increasing root oxygen and enhancing plant vitality.

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