Ozone Applications in Sports

Ozone Applications in Sports
Ozone Applications in Sports

Installing ozone generators eliminates all pathogens and significantly reduces unpleasant odors in indoor sports facilities.

Ozone Applications in Sports

Sweating is one of the most common causes of skin diseases in athletes, leading to the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms on the skin. Contact with gym mats and equipment causes skin inflammation and infections, increasing friction between the body and surfaces, which leads to abrasions and scratches. Bacterial, fungal, and viral agents in these abrasions create conditions for infection. Increased metabolism and excessive sweating during exercise also promote bacterial growth and create unpleasant odors. Installing ozone generators eliminates all pathogens and significantly reduces unpleasant odors in indoor sports facilities.

Microorganisms grow on damp surfaces such as walls, ceilings, and gym equipment. Ozone generators remove bacteria, viruses, and contaminants. One dangerous bacterium, MRSA, spreads infections among gym members.

Ozone can be used to absorb bad odors, mold, and other microorganisms. Using this device can purify up to 99% of the environment from bacteria and viruses. Rashkian is a manufacturer of industrial and household ozone generators licensed by General New Partner Europe.

Ozone-Enriched Water

Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen, a blue gas with a sharp and unstable odor. It is a powerful oxidizer, much stronger than hypochlorous acid (the effective disinfectant in water). Ozone’s solubility in water is 12 times less than that of chlorine, and its aqueous solution is also unstable. Due to the instability of ozone gas, it must be produced on-site and used immediately; it cannot be stored like chlorine.

The book "Principles of Nutrition" by Krauss discusses the properties of oxygen dissolved in water. Three important properties are highlighted: first, it reduces lactic acid production, second, it can enhance aerobic metabolism, and third, it increases athletic performance. Oxygen plays a crucial role in exercise metabolism.

The first use of adding oxygen to water was experimentally applied to patients on the brink of heart surgery.

The difference between enriched water and regular water lies in the health benefits of enriched water. Regular water sometimes contains toxins such as nitrates, fluoride, chlorine, and heavy metals like lead and arsenic, whereas enriched water contains calcium, magnesium, and hydrogen, which are essential for health.

Ozone has many uses in drinking water purification, including controlling taste and odor, color control, and removing iron and manganese, in addition to disinfection.

On the other hand, water breaks down nutrients into forms the body can use, transports them to where they are needed, and helps maintain the proper balance of water and salt in your body, also acting as a detoxifier that protects your tissues and bones.

Also, read about one of the ozone generator equipment (Static Mixer Ozone).

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